Diana is a supporting partner in the Lit4Life (Literacy For Life) project, a global initiative of Microsoft and terawe. Lit4Life aims to build sustainable solutions to address illiteracy amongst both adults and children, focusing on solutions that are relevant appropriate to local language and culture, and scalable to meet the size of the challenge. Diana is the creator and contributor of the English phonics support dictionary integrated into the project's free e-book maker tool, called Chekhov. With Chekhov, communities around the world can create free e-books in multiple languages, on any topic of interest to children or adults. Diana has also published several free e-books for the project in English, available from Microsoft as Windows 8 or Windows Phone apps.
Diana is a core team member of Dev4x, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering all children, including the most underserved, to improve their lives and their future through learning. Dev4x is also a registered team participating in the x-prize Global Learning Challenge.
Diana is a board member of RIZE, a non-profit organization working to Reduce Illiteracy in Zambia through E-Learning.